Personal year 5

A time of change and mobility, year 5 will taste like freedom and adventure!
What does personal year #5 mean?
This is a time of surprises, particularly favorable for luck and new things! Changes might arise in several domains. This new dynamic will urge you to stand in the spotlight and seize new opportunities.
Personal year 5 will feel like being reborn after a year of efforts and toil during year 4. This kind of liberation will increase your curiosity tenfold! Be open-minded and do not take too many precautions. Excess caution would be ill advised and might delay some major improvements. Vigilance and wisdom are obviously needed, but some situations will call for a swift reaction.
Overall, several temptations might arise this year. Do not undertake any new long-term project over that period.
Personal year #5 and career
Professionally, various events might pop up like professional relocation, business trips or even changing your job altogether.
Personal year #5 on a personal level
Personal year number 5 could see the opportunity to move out or at least travel to some faraway place.
Changes are in the air in love too! If you are in a relationship, you might switch to a different partner. And if you meet someone new, it is unlikely to last for the rest of your life.
Do you want to learn more? Move on to the page dedicated to personal years!